Thursday 8 January 2009

Queen Alvida The Cruelest Female Pirate

Alvida Alvida is first shown as Luffy's first defeated pirate captain. She is very fat and has curly black hair. She also as an over-inflated ego about her looks. You could say she's in denial about how ugly she is. She carries a iron club around, and shows no mercy to anyone who dares to make a bad comment about her looks.

When Luffy entered a ship that was under attack from Alvida's Pirates, he befriended poor Coby. Alvida forced Coby as her swabby after he got on her ship by accident. When Alvida attacked Luffy she was defeated with one blow and was sent flying.

That isn't the last time Alvida is seen, though. The next time is rather strange and odd. Alvida was never defeated by a man before and developed a crush on Luffy. She decided to hunt Luffy down with the power of the Slipslip Fruit or Smooth Fruit, a Devils Fruit that slimed her down. Not only that but nearly everything you throw at her bounces right off, and if she were to take her sandals off she would slide all over the floor.

After taking the fruit, she contacted Buggy, who was defeated by Luffy as well, and they agreed to an alliance. After some searching, Alvida and Buggy met with Luffy in Rogue Town where they were nearly defeated by the Navy. Only by the intervention of an unknown pirate who was wanted for the last 20 years saved both of them.

She follows Luffy and his crew into the Grand Line, searching for the man she loves: Luffy.

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Alvida is a female pirate, and is first mentioned in volume 1 of One Piece, and is in the first episode. She carries an iron mace. She is also mean to her cabin boy, Koby, and would have done away with him if Koby didn't knew so much about the sea.

Alvida gets defeated by Monkey D. Luffy, but she meets up with him again in Roguetown, the place where Gold Roger had said his last words. She ate a cursed fruit that changed her figure, which is why she looks different this time around.

Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper was born with a blue nose so his family and herd rejected him. He then ate the Human-Human fruit (Hito-Hito in Japanese) and became even more isolated from the other reindeer. He tried to communicate with the humans of Drum Island (a land of snow) but they shot him, thinking he was the Abominable Snowman. Then a doctor by the name of Dr. Hiriluk, who praised pirates and desired to join a crew himself, took him in. But Hiriluk then became sick and cast Chopper out into the cold not wanting the reindeer to watch him die. When Chopper found out, though, he set off on a journey to find a cure. He saw in a book a mushroom with the skull and crossbones sign next to it. Not realizing what the symbol really meant because of Hiriluk's praising of pirates, he set off to find it.

Doctor Hiriluk was overwhelmed with joy when Chopper brought back the mushroom despite numerous injuries he had acquired (Like a broken horn). He ate the mushroom to please Chopper, knowing that it was actually a deadly poison (just to show his love).

Tony Tony Chopper Rather than die from the mushroom's poison, for Chopper's sake, he committed suicide outside Drum Island's castle when King Wapol fled. As his last will, Dr. Kureha, the only doctor who wasn't owned by King Wapol's government, was to take charge of Chopper. She taught him everything she knew about medicine. They lived an isolated life in Drum Castle until Luffy and his crew came along. Chopper had already been naturally distrustful of humans and Sanji and Luffy's shared desire to cook and eat him didn't help. But, impressed by his medical and fighting skills displayed against Wapol's returned army, Luffy decided to put all differences aside and asked (forced) Chopper to join his crew as the doctor.

Chopper is a unique character in that he can change form after eating the cursed Hito Hito Fruit. But this also deepens his value, because the berry also turns Chopper's nose blue and he is able to change form to reindeer, reindeer-human (the general form), and a muscular manly deer (the monster). Because of this, he was kicked off his reindeer herd, where his old friend Doctor Hiluluku finds and helps him for one year.

But in the Dolamu Land of Snow, Dr. Hiluluku catches a illness that can only be cured by a special mushroom. Chopper goes on a journey for the mushroom and mistakes a poisonous mushroom for the antidote, which Dr. Hiluluku eats for Chopper's sake and dies.

Chopper was born on Yagi Island.

Nefeltari Vivi The Ice Princess

Vivi, or as she is known by her codename Miss Wednesday when Luffy and company first meet her, is the royal princess of Alabasta Kingdom. Due to the suspicious actions of a man named Crocodile and a criminal organization called Baroque Works, she has taken it upon herself to investigate the matter and try to find out what Crocodile really wants. She is joined by her trusted attendant Igaram as well as her spotted-bill duck Carue and together the three of them pose as members of the criminal group. Because she had to prove a convincing killer and capable of combat, Vivi trained herself to fight with weapons. She is partnered with Mr. 9 which means her rank is quite low. The closer to the 0 a pair of Officer Agents are, the stronger they are. Vivi and Mr. 9 have decent combat abilities but nothing near amazing.

Upon first meeting arriving in Whiskey Peak (Misty Peak in the U.S. version) Igaram posed as the town's mayor while Vivi posed as an assistant. After they got Luffy and everyone drunk and asleep, they planned to dispose of them. However, Zoro caught on to the plan and was wide awake when he heard everything. For a brief time, Vivi and Igaram fought against Zoro, but after some major plot twists, the crew learns who Vivi really is from Igaram. Igaram asks the Straw Hat Pirates to take Vivi to Alabasta Kingdom so she can put a stop to a major war being planned. Nami agrees only if she gets paid big for it.

Vivi and Carue are temporary members of the crew and though they may not contribute much towards combat, they add a certain charm to the crew as well as some knowledge of the world that Straw Hats know nothing about. When necessary, Vivi can defend herself in battle, and uses two lethal weapons called the Kujaki/Peacock Slashers to do it (a small sharp piece attached to a wire which Vivi spins with on a hoop around her pinky fingers). She has three attacks:

Seductive Perfume Dance: She only used this once and it was when she was fighting Zoro in Whiskey Peak. She does an enchanting belly dance and spreads a paralyzing aroma from a bottle of perfume. She never uses this attack again despite that it was effective on Zoro.

Kujaki Slasher: Vivi spins two of these and lashes out at her target with them. Considering the speed of the rotation, it is deadly.

Kujaki String Slasher: Vivi's strongest attack used MUCH later on in the Alabaster segment. Vivi flings out a Kujaki Slasher that shoots from an amazing distance and is capable of tearing a person's head off with it

Nico Robin The Mysterious Woman

Not much is known about Nico Robin. Her mother, Olivia Robin, was an archeologist and was killed by the Cipher Pol 9 (a top-secret crack navy unit). At age 8, Nico Robin started to study the forbidden Poneglyphs--forbidden because some Poneglyph tablets contain clues to weapons of such terrifying power that it was deemed prudent to have their secrets locked away. She is one of the few people in the world capable of reading Poneglyphs. It was also around this time that it was learned that she had eaten a Cursed Fruit: the Hana Hana Fruit. This gave her the ability to sprout arms and hands out of practically anywhere, be it on a wall or on a person.

Nico's giant of a friend, Jaguar D. Saul, protected her from a fleet of ships that were closing in by throwing them against one another. After the whole incident, the World Government placed the 79,000,000 beri bounty on her head (a bounty probably topped only by those of the Seven Warlords of the Sea), because she escaped from the besieged island, and since she's a Archaeologist studying Poneglyphs, they blamed her for the destruction of the ships and gave her the enormous bounty to make the public more observant of her and turn her in.

In the present day, Robin has considerable skill with her Cursed Fruit power. Some of her nastiest attacks involve sprouting limbs on the enemy's body and then proceeding to contort said enemy in ways best left to the imagination.

When Crocodile formed Baroque Works, he hired Robin as his #1 assistant (thus the alias Miss Sunday/Miss All-Sunday). He needed her knowledge of the Poneglyphs in order to find one of the forbidden weapons--a fabled ship known as Pluton. While working for Baroque Works, she helps Luffy and the Straw Hat crew to escape from Baroque Works when they were being chased, but her intentions are unknown. Eventually, however, she cooperates with Crocodile and helps to capture Vivi, Luffy, and the Straw Hat Pirates. However, Crocodile loses patience with Robin when their search for the forbidden Pluton in Alabasta turns up a blank, and he turns on her.

After Luffy manages to defeat Crocodile, she decides to join Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates as crew archeologist. However, after all she had done as part of Baroque Works, this took more than a little convincing. Naive Luffy was eager to let her join, and a few hints of hidden treasure bribed Nami. Zolo would prove to be the real hardcase, but he ultimately relents, and Nico Robin becomes the 7th member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Besides archeology, Robin also studies the related field of history. This is why she has her suspicion of the connection between Luffy and Gold Roger--Luffy's D middle initial.

Usopp The Sogeking

His gift for storytelling can be used for good- like when he's entertaining Kaya with tales of the high seas- and for bad, like when he wakes up his neighbors, claiming pirates are attacking.

He picks a fight with Klahadore and Kaya tells him to stop.

Usopp has his own little fan club made up of three little boys, one of which is Onion, who comes back screaming when he sees something strange.

Luffy was always with Yasopp, Usopp's father, when he was younger.

When Luffy and Usopp go down to the beach, they see Klahadore and a traveling hypnotist named Django. Klahadore notices Luffy when he stands up and yells "Don't kill Kaya!!!". Django then hypnotises Luffy and tries it with Usopp as well, but Usopp ducks leaving Luffy a target. Luffy was sent to a deep sleep and fell off a cliff.

Usopp was born on Obitsuji Island. His name derived from the story "Isoppu" (Boy Who Cried Wolf) and the word "uso" meaning "liar". His appearance is supposed to be like Pinnochio (nose grows long if you lie).

Captain Monkey.D.Luffy

Luffy is a young boy who wishes to become a pirate. Luffy greatly admires Shanks, the leader of a gang of pirates staying in his town, but one day he accidentally eats their spoil of battle, a "Devil Fruit". The fruit's effect made it so that Luffy could never swim for the rest of his entire life, but his body also obtained the mysterious power to move like it was rubber! However, immediately after that, he angered Shanks' enemies, the bandits, and was tossed into the water in the middle of the sea. As he was drowning a monster attacked Luffy, but in a split-second Shanks was there to save him! Ten years later, using Shanks' straw hat as his trademark, Luffy set out for sea. His great journey to become a pirate had begun.

Searching for companions, the exultant Luffy has set off towards the "Grand Line" with his first crew mate, "Pirate Hunter Zoro". But, along the way, they became involved in a fight between the Buggy pirate crew and Nami, the Pirate Thief. Luffy, who realizes that Nami has excellent navigation skills and knows that Buggy holds a map to the Grand Line, decides to face off against the Buggy crew! After defeating the Buggy crew's second-in-command and chief of staff, he and Zoro finally face off against Buggy! But Buggy also has Devil Fruit powers, and he seems to have known Shanks....

Luffy is a bit more vulgar in the Japanese version than he is in the English dub. Also, he only lets certain people touch or even wear his straw hat. So far he has allowed Nami to wear it when he helped her in Cocoyashi Village with Arlong.

Luffy was born on Oushi Island, and has an older brother named Portgas D. Ace, who is also a pirate. His father, Monkey D. Dragon, is also a famous pirate, and is supposedly the called the world's worst criminal. Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp is Luffy's grandfather.

Shanks nicknames Luffy "Anchor" when he is a child. He calls him this to tease him about not being able to swim even before he eats the Devils fruit.

Nami The Navigator

Nami was a girl whose childhood is filled with dark memories of pirate pillage and plunder. She, along with an older girl named Nojiko, were raised by a female former Marine named Belle-Mère (or Bellemare) until the village where they were living (Cocoyashi Village) was ravaged by Merman pirates led by Arlong. Arlong made each adult pay 100,000 berries and each child pay 50,000 berries. In Nami's family there were three people, Bellemere had to pay 100,000, and Nami and Nojiko had to pay 50,000 each bringing the total to 200,000 berries. Belle-Mère paid for the children, but didn't have enough left over for herself, and was thus killed.

Arlong then forced Nami to work for him when her natural talent for cartography was discovered. Therefore, Nami made a deal with Arlong: She'll help him only if she can buy Cocoyashi Village from him. Arlong agreed and made Nami a member of his crew. She carried the mark of Arlong's crew on her left shoulder (normally covered by her shirt) to seal the deal. After that, she sought out filthy, greedy pirates and took their ill-gotten loot and buried it at her hometown until she had the amount needed.

Nami But when she met Luffy, he and others proved to be her lone exception, simply because they weren't typical pirates. She and Luffy briefly crossed paths several times while Nami in the middle of her capers, but it isn't until their coincidental encounter with Buggy that they formally introduced themselves. It's also when Nami discovers just how different Luffy is, and not simply because he's a rubber man. For one thing, he seemed to have a purpose in life other than to steal and rob. He had a definite sense of honor and courage...and he actually saved her life. Grudgingly, she agreed to a loose alliance (as she put it) with Luffy's crew and to supply her much-needed navigation skills in Luffy's quest for the Grand Line. Besides, it'll do two other things for her. First, traveling will give her more chances to make more maps. Second, she'll probably run into more pirates and more loot to steal.

Nami She later ditched Luffy and gang once she had the amount needed, but she was devastated after she learned Arlong had no reason to keep his word when he revealed the location of her loot to corrupt Naval officer Nezumi. But Luffy and the other helped liberate Cocoyashi and Nami rejoins the gang for the long run. Though Nami prefers to use her wits and stealth to steal her way to the top, she isn't defenseless physically. She carries a staff that's normally strapped to her leg in three pieces. When she needs it, she can whip it out and snap it back together.

Zolo The Master Of The Sword

Back in his homeland, the young Roronoa Zolo had been somewhat of a troublemaker until he decided to cause trouble in a kendo school. He dared to challenge someone from the school to a kendo duel. If he won, he'd steal their school sign. If he lost, he'd become a student. However, he didn't count on two things. First, his challenger was a girl named Kuina. Second, despite choosing to fight with two swords, he lost to her.

It was the beginning of an intense rivalry. Zolo began to train like mad, and every day he'd try once again to beat Kuina. 2000 times he tried, and 2000 times he failed. Finally, for their 2001st (and last duel), the two agreed to fight a duel with real swords. Though Kuina once again bested Zolo, Kuina's heart was just not into it anymore. She was emerging into adolescence, and the traditions of their village prevented her from taking up her father's leadership of the dojo (in fact, it had been Zolo's constant challenges that had kept her going as far as she had). Zolo refused to accept that, and the two agreed to continue training to become the best swordmaster in the world.

However, Kuina's dream was cut tragically short not long after, even as Zolo had begun to work on a means of wielding a third sword in his mouth. After Kuina's could no longer fight (she died in the manga and Japanese version of the anime, and was severely injured in the 4Kids American dubbed version of the anime), he asked for (and received) Kuina's sword as a gesture to continue the dream they both had, so she could become stronger through him. He keeps her memory alive each time he wields this third sword between his teeth. After many more years of training, Zolo finally set out to prove his worth against the world.

Zolo soon amassed a fearsome reputation. Originally part of a small gang of pirate hunters, he became separated. By a strange turn of events, he happened to tick off the spoiled son of a rogue naval captain named "AxeHand" Morgan, when the man sicked his rabid wolf in a bar for kicks and Zolo attacked it to save a little girl. Morgan's son threatened to destroy the village if Zolo wouldn't be his prisoner for a month.

But it turned out Morgan's son was as dishonorable as his old man and intended to have Zolo executed. It is at this point, three days before Zolo's time was up, that Luffy showed up, looking for the famous pirate hunter. In exchange for his swords and his freedom, Zolo agreed to be part of Luffy's crew. The two of them proceeded to clean house, freeing the people from Morgan's reign of terror (much to his Naval officers' enjoyment), and the rest is history.

Zolo will not let anything interfere with his quest to become the best swordsman in the world. Luffy doesn't mind it and in fact encourages it. After all, it's only fitting that the Pirate King have the best swordsman by his side. But in that, Zolo can do some odd things. He tends to ignore pain and wounds when he's engaged in a fight (he's in his fighting mode when his black bandanna tops his head). He will never turn down a challenge by another swordsman, and he'll push himself to the limit.

When the bandanna is on his arm and he's resting, though, he can be remarkably lazy. He's been known to take naps at all sorts of strange times and places.

Eventually in the series, Zolo learns a technique called the Lion's Requiem, which can cut through anything that breaths. And according to the anime, almost everything, even metal, breaths in a way, allowing him to cut through almost anything. It is his most well known technique.

Zolor was born on Sasori Island.

Sanji The Cooker

Sanji is a sympathetic cook. He used to work in the restaurant Baratie (in the middle of the East Blue sea) before Luffy asked him to join their pirate adventures. Now Sanji is a part of their crew.

He was raised by a captain pirate called Red-Legged Zeff. When Sanji was 10, he and Zeff were deserted on a small island, forcing them to live for three months without any food supplies (Zeff's ship was destroyed by a huge storm at night). In the first minute they were deserted, Zeff gave little Sanji some food. But Zeff also had a big sack with him that he brought to the other side of the island. Sanji accused him of being greedy, of taking all the food for himself.

They waited for help to come, but none came to rescue them. After three months of starvation, Sanji (who was mad and planned to take food from Zeff) went to the other side of the island to see how Zeff was doing. Surprisingly, Zeff was skinny, and looked hungry. What surprised Sanji more, at least in the manga, was that Zeff lost his right leg!! Sanji cried in frustration, "You... you ate your own leg!!?"

However, in both the Japanese and English version of the anime, Zeff hadn't eaten his leg. Zeff actually lost his leg in an accident, when a tidal wave knocked two ships together and his leg got caught. Desperately wanting to save Sanji, he saw an anchor sinking and quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around his leg. The anchor knocked the boats together and freed him, cutting off his leg in the process.

Anyway, then Sanji checked the big sack Zeff had with him. It was filled with gold!! No food, no drink - Sanji was shocked at the fact that Zeff gave him all the food they had instead of keeping it for himself. Zeff told him he did that because they had the same dream: to find Great Blue (a legendary sea). Since that day, Sanji worked for Zeff in the restaurant Baratie as vice-chef.

Sanji likes girls- especially Nami. He protects Nami's tangerine garden on the ship and never lets anyone touch it. He often calls Nami "Nami-swan".

Sanji was born on Uo Island.